Thai Fusion Burger and Burger Chain Restaurants in the World

Happy National Burger Day!    We love Thai food and when we found a burger patty that was inspired by Thai cuisine at Trader Joe’s frozen food aisle, we were so excited. As we looked at the ingredients list, we also found out it’s vegan friendly so the packet was sucked into our shopping basket…

Acerola Smoothie Bowl

Happy National Vitamin C Day! Did you know, today 4/4 is the day to appreciate Vitamin C and enjoy some Vitamin C packed food!    Have you heard of acerola? This is one of the foods that I miss from Japan. When I was a kid, I used to drink beautiful ruby colored juice a…

Product Review: Maple Espresso Tea from Trader Joe’s

Happy National Espresso Day! Who’s an espresso lover here?  Get some cups of espresso and celebrate today!   Well, well, well…although I started liking coffee recently, making espresso is hard in my kitchen because I don’t have an espresso machine. I used to, when I lived in LA, but when my dinner buddy and I…

Product Review: Organic Garlic Naan Cracker from Trader Joe’s

I tried this one  for the first time when it was a holiday season, and I was looking for something perfect for an appetizer. I like my crackers with cheese or olives, so I grabbed both items and proudly stepped into the cracker aisle. And then, it came in my eyes.    Garlic. Naan. Cracker. …

Product Review: Fully cooked Falafel from Trader Joe’s

Since we are on a vegetarian diet, we have to ignore the meat section in grocery stores. But, sometimes our mind is occupied with crispy crunchy fried chickens. Whenever our mind is blasted, I get some falafel to calm our occupied mind. Falafel is made from chickpeas yet the traits we are looking for, crispy…